Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's day

i have a great dad. let's be real, he's pretty awesome.

he's the kind of dad that loves to make breakfast for the family.
he comes to sit through a whole two hours of a play all by himself that he's already seen three times just so i will have a ride home.
he is always patient and kind and has a charitable heart.
he is diligent and honest in all he does.
he puts others first and he never passes up a chance to serve.

he's a real fighter-- not like the "i'm-gonna-beat-you-up" kind, the other kind.
he is strong.
he's had his share of health battles in his life and he has never, ever given up.
he always keeps a positive attitude, no matter what the circumstance-- even if that circumstance involves screwing a hallo into his head.
he's the kind of dad that takes you on your very first date on your 16th birthday just because it's important to you even if he just got out of the hospital from the latest brain surgery a couple days before.
he buys us brand new cow boy boots when we come home crying just to make us feel better.
(ok, not really, it's just a family joke.)
but he does buy you flowers when you have a special occasion, and sometimes just because.
he'll even put up with all 4 of us girls in California for a week even though he hates Disney land and shopping.

he knows what it means to live with passion, and he shows it every day.

my dad is my hero.

love you daddy,
Marley Kay
[your only good kid ;)]

your dreamer

Saturday, June 16, 2012

when your collar bone is broken...

So remember what i told you about being a clutz?
Yeah... here's what my right collar bone looks like about now:

It's broken. 6 weeks recovery and I'm at 1 week and 1 day.

The past 8 days have been spent on the couch watching plenty of TV (Disney, 80's movies, the entirety of Once Upon a Time season one, you name it), there's been lots of Facebook-ing and I've Pinned more in the past 8 days than ever before.

But when your collar bone is broken, it makes it hard to dress comfortably like a normal human being. So instead you wear things like button up DI shirts and sweat pants a lot (which, in case you were wondering, is a very comfortable mix). When your dominant collar bone is broken and you are a girl, you can't do your makeup easily, and most certainly can not do your own hair. So you spend a lot of time having Mama help you out in the beauty department.

You take lots of meds and get out of chores a lot, which makes your sisters really upset when they are weeding and folding all the laundry without you. You get to wear this awesome sling that makes your other shoulder ache; and, when you lay down, your hand falls asleep because your blood is rushing into your elbow. You also can't make smoothies anymore so you are out of income for a few weeks. You also sit on the couch so much that your butt becomes imprinted in the cushion. You find out that there are lots of movies out there that you have never heard of and try not to remember the online class you are supposed to be working on. You wish you could work on a sketch or do something with your hands but find that it's a bit difficult.

So you create a blog. Because, hey! You can type with one hand- and sometimes even both!

Three cheers for injury, folks.

You'll be hearing from me soon (and a whole lot more in the next 6 weeks),

Marley Kay
Your Dreamer

P.S. i thought maybe you'd enjoy the out fit of the day:

Friday, June 15, 2012

the blog of a dreamer....

I suppose an introduction is in order. I'm Marley Kay, a typical teenage girl. I've always loved reading blogs but was always afraid to start my very own because, you see, I am no gifted writer. I'm sure there will be plenty of grammatical errors and things that don't sound quite right, and lots of run on sentences- but hey, that's alright. This blog is a place for me to express. Run on sentences and all.

I am an artist, in most ways really. I love things that bring beauty to this lovely place we call Earth. I could sit and stare at the "pretty things" for hours and hours and never get bored. Though I'm not extremely talented in the field, I DO sketch and paint a little and craft too. I love reading. I sing, I dance, I act- I'm one of those Drama kids and I'm proud of it! I love music with an un-expressible passion. I love to create and love anything i can get my hands on to do so. I am quite the perfectionist- the blessing and curse i am tying to overcome at the moment. I am also probably the most accident prone person i know. I'm ALWAYS finding new mysterious cuts and bruises all over me, let's face it, I'm just a clutz. I love fairy tales and the whole idea of magic. After all, i'm just a dreamer.

I hope you enjoy reading my story.

Love Always,
Marley Kay
Your Dreamer