Friday, August 31, 2012

been too long.

here's the thing.
i feel like i haven't written in forever.
sorry that i'm a fiend.

the school year has already taken it's toll on my sleeping habits and most of my other ones too.
sleeping 5 hours or less is getting normal again.
stressing over homework is getting normal again.
and procrastination? yeah that one has just always stayed normal...
(yeah... i should probably do something about that....)

so i don't really know the reason for this post, but i just kinda needed to post something on here.
(mostly because i was going to face severe consequences from Em if i didn't, but i mean: it's fine.)

ok, but really. I just had a news flash yesterday that might be in any sense noteworthy.
so i've been workin' at SK since the first week of July, 2011, right?
and now, there are only three of us there that have worked since then.
it's freakin' me out a little. I'm the second "oldest" employee. I feel like i should know a little bit more about my job by now but i really don't.... oh well. maybe I'll work on that.
also, my bosses just hired 5 new people and i've been training them this week. so that's weird too.
i feel all mentor-y and it makes me nervous 'cause it's gonna be my fault if they end up... not good.
(here's hoping they don't hate me yet.)

Any-who, on a completely different, but ok, not-so-different note: I love my job. Mostly because of these lovely ladies below. I love these girls. They just bring so much SUNSHINE into my life. ;)

If you ever wanted to know, this is what the SK girls do when it gets slow ;)

[ok, lil' explanation about the vid. so this kid keeps calling me sunshine, right? well i was telling them about it (and they were teasing like any good SK employee would) and i looked outside. Of course, it was a cloudy day. So, like any good Marley moment, i busted out singing that first line: "I got sunshiiiine, on a cloudy day!" basically we had our very own "my-life-is-an-actual-musical" moment and i was TOO pleased. so i made them do it again for the sake of memories.]

senior year is looking bright so far.
i'll write soon :)

your dreamer
Marley Kay

the summer of the couch

I meant to post this  on the 19th. But it's fine cause I'm posting it now. So don't hate ;)

It's time to bid farewell this lovely summer, unfortunately.

Not gonna lie, this summer's been a weird one for me.

it involved spending more hours at the school than i ever intended
only one unfortunate trip to 7 peaks
plenty of x-rays and doctor's appointments
practically NO yard work (which is a miracle in this house, the only reason you can get out of it is if you are severely injured... or mom thinks the environment is unsuitable- too hot, too cold, too wet, etc.)
spending 4 1/2 weeks on the couch (hence the title)
watching our home's entire movie collection/plenty of DVR
seeing almost every movie rated PG-13 and under in theaters
being an antisocial because summer is for physical activities and i was physically unable for 2/3 of it
being unable to work and earn all that money for the NYC trip for next summer
spent lots of time expanding my "medical-things-to-make-Marley's-body-stop-hurting" collection
only having 3 sleepovers
not going to the vast majority of girls camp
indulging in only one snow-cone
finally doing a few of those DIY projects i've been meaning to get through
starting a blog and joining just about every other social networking site out there
and a summer of learning a lot of things about myself

But it's time to close that chapter.
Time to say goodbye to the last summer of my youth.
Time to move on because sometimes that's just what life requires of us.
So there you have it. My summer. It built me, and I grew more this summer than i think i ever have in a three month period of time... But it was a good kinda growing [even if it wasn't the vertical kind- yup, still 5'2" ;)].
But now it's time to slip back into routine and school and the busy life i tend to lead.... so i'll kiss my wonderful summer good bye.
My goal this final school year of high school is to live it like a summer.
Drink it in and have some fun. To let go of all the "last years" and the "yesterdays" and live in today.

I'm going to make this new chapter count.
So here I go, wish me luck!

Marley Kay
your dreamer.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


You know those days where you need to write but have no words?

It's one of those days.

I wish i could find the words to say what i want to.

{'Cause if I could find them, they would be amazing.}

I wish i had the words.

Marley Kay
your dreamer

Friday, August 10, 2012

Life is Good.

Well first of all, I'd just like you appologize for the last post.
I'm fine, don't worry.

Second, today was a great day.

Once Upon a Time (the TV show I'm obsessed with on ABC at 8 pm) is starting up again in 51 days (Yes, I'm counting down, you should be excited too. Plus also [<-- Junie B. Jones reference, ok fine, I was obsessed.] I was reading a bunch of spoilers that made me even more excited. And my friend and sisters are having a marathon before the season starts. Life couldn't get better.)

I got a couple of great compliments form my ACT tutor, even though I started off quite grumpy about anything to do with exercising my brain.
(First she told me she liked my name because it's "adaptable" and it "fits [me] very well because that's how [I] am," she was also impressed with my persentaging skills (it's fine, I laughed too) and basically offered me a job there! Whoooooo!)
P.S. If anyone is struggling to get their desired ACT score, this lady works miracles. Just so you know.

Also, I took a nap-which generally takes away most grumpy feelings ;)

AND had a fan-tastic time at work sharing awkward customer stories with my co-workers who are fantastic.

AND I finished Quarter One of my online class! (Here's hoping I can make the deadline with Quarter Two!)

Everything is fine.
And I'm happy.
And life is great.
And sorry if you find this post un-interesting or boring.

Still loving, still learning, still working things out.
Your dreamer
Marley Kay


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I should be working on my online class right now.

I should be, but currently, i'm not.
If you see me on Facebook or Pintrest or something tell me to get off 'cause I'm sacrificing eliminating myself from drama or musical theater next year if this class is not done by August 21.

but i'm too tired right now
and my head hurts too much right now
and my heart aches too much right now
there is too much anticipation right now
there is too much fear
and sadness
and crying
and heart break going on inside me to focus right now.

But the thing is,
nothing has happened yet.
I shouldn't feel this way.
I shouldn't hurt already....
but I do.
and I'm torn.
and this sucks.

(I'm sorry in advance, just know it's not because i don't care anymore.)

(maybe it's because i care too much.)

Marley Kay
your dreamer

"Keep on dreamin' even if it breaks your heart."
Eli Young Band

p.s. where the heck is Neverland and why can't i find it?

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Ok, so my family has been going to Lake Powell every summer since I was like... 2.

We just returned from our latest trip-which was very fun, despite the lack of doing anything on my part.

So they say a picture is worth a thousand words... so here are 21,000 words for you-plus a little commentary. :)

First, some lovely landscapes, all photos taken by yours truly :)

 BEAUTIFUL clear waters :)
 the way I spent most of my week.
 the book.
loved it. easy/quick read. read it in an afternoon. tears and laughter.
it starts slow and is a little tacky but the author's/character's sense of humor is remarkably close to my own so i just thought it was hilarious :)
 ok, there's a white spot in this rock on this rock that looks like pac man.
this photo does no justice.
 so the boys just spent their week digging holes.....
the first one is pictured above and the second below.
the first one was HUGE! and perfectly square, and they dug right down to the sand stone.
the second was smaller, round (obviously) and they filled it with water to float in-which actually worked surprisingly....

 sand castle? try city.

 So, near Waweap is the Glen Canyon Dam (pictured below)
(sorry the pic is blurry, it was taken out of the window driving 30+mph)
 We went into town and saw.....
 ok, it was too funny not to take a picture.
also, at the Dam Plaza, there is the....
 and the....
 haha sorry it was just too funny :)
 our beach as we drove away :'(

driving home, came around a corner in the canyon and this is what we see. too gorgeous NOT to take a picture.

All and all it was a fantastic and relaxing week! I had a lot of fun-even though the collar bone kept me from wake-boarding, tubing, etc. I had lots of naps, read a lot, and was able to enjoy a fantastic week

{Also I realized that this was probably my last family trip to Lake Powell of my youth... :'( but let's not dwell on it.}

Marley Kay
your dreamer.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Crafty-ness and Such (ment to post this like 3 weeks ago... sorry...)

Ok, so I'm a total "Do It Yourself-er" and Lately I've been doing a lot of crafts.

Mod Podge and my sister's sewing machine have become my best friends.

Just thought I'd share my latest projects :)

So here's the first (simplest, and easiest) one.

 I decided when I got my new wallet with no change compartment i needed a place to put spare change! Then I thought, hey, I could also use some savings for next years new york trip. Thus:

Paper mod podged to the lid to make them actually cute!
(one is a change jar, the other one is a "dream" jar... no mocking.)

The second is this lovely tank top.

It began as a $4 large red Hanes tee-shirt from Walmart--and if any of you have a Pintrest, you've seen this before.
Cut off the sleeves, cut desired neck line, tie "straps" together in the back with a scrap piece and vola!

I took my own spin to it with the pocket... oh the pocket.
It was a pain in the rear.
I used a piece of the sleeve for the pocket and then sewed the lace (3/4 of a yd. or lace ribbon split into pieces) on it. Then I sewed that to the shirt.
The pocket took me forever. But hey, I liked the result.

(Next time I may try a med. shirt, the large is HUGE and bunches up in the back... and is also nearly  the length of a dress on me. and i'm considering taking this one in on the back and the bottom...)

And the third, Em's Harry Potter shoes.

We were having a sleep over and tried some new crafts just for the kicks. (no pun intended)
We bought the shoes with an idea in mind but she didn't want to do them herself and I owed her a birthday present... still... a month later.
So Happy Birthday Em! :)

These were $5 white Keds from Walmart.
First I sketched out what I was doing.
Then I used fabric paint with a little brush.

(Next time I'm trying the fabric pen 'cause they're a little messy... and I'm OCD about it.) 

So... just in case you wanted to know what I've been doing with my summer, here you are!

Love always,
your dreamer
Marley Kay