Sunday, September 9, 2012

ACT, Called to Serve, and other such Updates.

So sorry i haven't posted in forever.
Life's already been kicked into high gear with school starting up already and I have had no time to write!

I seriously have no life any more. It's all just school, and home work, and work.
PS, Who ever thought homework was such a great idea? I mean, as if 6 hours of class isn't bad enough, lets just give them 4 to5 more hours to do AFTER that! Ugh- so frustrating. Only first term and the senoritas has already begun!

It's been a crazy weekend! Friday night i had to work but my awesome big brother was kind enough to take the end of my shift (He's worked there on and off since his Jr. year in high school) so i would be able to get some good sleep the night before the ACT. So sweet, right?! He's the greatest.

Took the ACT yesterday morning and felt pretty darn good about it. Still had time issues but i was much more confident in it and felt that i did well on the stuff i finished. (PS, if you're struggling on the ACT or would like to have a better score, or even if you're just struggling in a subject in school, i know of a fantastic tutor, it made a world of difference.)

In preparations for a farewell, we cleaned like mad-men over here Friday and yesterday! Then my mom kicked me and her sisters (my aunts) out and we went shopping. {finally found a Homecoming dress! pictures to come :)} Then my aunt talked me into going with her down to a friend's house for a facial. It was definitely a new experience for me but it was so fun! And my face has never felt better. :)

Today was my big brother's mission farewell--which was slightly heartbreaking for this house of girls.
He had a double farewell with a close friend and the entire parking lot was over-flowing, if you know what i mean. They both gave amazing talks! But i sure had a lot of pity for the poor youth speakers and the musical number... Also, if you saw us Anderson's in the meeting, don't worry. We are ok. All of us had a tiny break down at the end of the meeting, but we've recovered thus far. We are known for our tears, so don't panic. ;)
We had family and friends come over after the block for a get together. Basically, i couldn't stand in one place for longer than 3 minutes. I was chasing children, prepping more food, eating food, trying to say hi to people and welcome them in, or trying to find people. (But mostly i was eating food and chasing children.) We've had family and friends in and out all day long and it lasted til about 10 o'clock. So, you know, I'm just barely staring my homework... Which i should probably get back to...

Hopefully you'll hear from me sooner or later.

love always,
your dreamer
Marley Kay

Oh! PS, (for the third time) he's headed to the Philippines, where you mail one shoe at a time, eat dog, and speak a language no one's ever heard of.
He's gonna love it. :)